Modular co-simulation framework
This node-type is currently under development.

VILLASfpga is an extension build on top of VILLASnode for realizing hard real-time interfaces between simulators, converters and devices under test with guaranteed cycle times in the microsecond range.

Please look at the main page for details: VILLASfpga.


This node-type requires the VILLASfpga library.


The source code of the node-type is available here:


The node configuration is used to define interfaces between the FPGA and Linux host system by means of so called datamover. A datamover is a special IP core within the FPGA which handles data exchange between the FPGA's AXI4-Stream fabric and the main memory of the host system.

Currently, two types of data movers are supported:

Every fpga node support the following special settings:

datamover (string: fpga-ip-name)

The must be the name of a FPGA IP core as defined in FPGA IP core.

This IP component is used to transfer samples between the FPGA and the main memory.

card (string: fpga-card-name)

The name of the FPGA card as configured by FPGA Card.

user_irqs (boolean)

Weather or not to polling / interrupts to wait for new samples from the FPGA.


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