Modular co-simulation framework
villas pipe

The villas pipe command allows to read and write samples from stdin / stdout streams.


Usage: villas-pipe [OPTIONS] CONFIG NODE
CONFIG path to a configuration file
NODE the name of the node to which samples are sent and received from
-f FMT set the format
-t DT the data-type format string
-o OPTION=VALUE overwrite options in config file
-x swap read / write endpoints
-s only read data from stdin and send it to node
-r only read data from node and write it to stdout
-T NUM terminate after NUM seconds
-L NUM terminate after NUM samples sent
-l NUM terminate after NUM samples received
-h show this usage information
-d set logging level
-V show the version of the tool
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <>