Modular co-simulation framework
High-level Architecture

Design objective for VILLAS framework: a holistic framework with modular and generic architecture.

Integration Layers

Three integration layers are foreseen based on the diversity of the facilities and applications:

  • Hard Real-Time Integration Layer (H-RTIL)
  • Soft Real-Time Integration Layer (S-RTIL)
  • Offline Integration Layer (O-IL)
VILLAS integration layers.

Hard Real-Time Integration Layer (H-RTIL)

  • Integrates digital real-time simulators, actual hardware devices and test benches into a joint experiment
  • H-RTIL requires interfaces that provide deterministic and synchronized data exchange between laboratories
  • Real-time protocols and physical point-to-point connections should be used

Soft Real-Time Integration Layer (S-RTIL)

  • Integration of tools and applications with less critical timing requirements (inaccurate timing or time-varying delays are acceptable to some extent)
  • User interaction via web-based access
  • High-level tools, system level control, optimization applications

Offline Integration Layer (O-IL)

  • Integration of domain-specific analyses that are performed at pre-experiment and post-experiment phases
  • An interface to adapt parameters or models of experiments in a pre-experiment phase
  • Non-real-time tasks during the experiment, such as data logging for Data as a Service

Example scenarios

The following diagrams show example configuration of VILLASframework components as they have been used in various demonstrations and experiments:

Two site scenario with VILLASfpga.
ERIClab scenario.
RT-SuperLab scenario.