Modular co-simulation framework


logging = {
file = "/var/log/villas-node.log"
level = "info" // global logging level
expressions = (
// Enable debug logging for statistics hook
name = "hook:*",
level = "debug"


logging.level (string: "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "critical" | "off") = "info"

This setting expects one of the allowed strings to adjust the logging level. Use this with care! Producing a lot of IO by enabling the debug output might decrease the performance of the server. Omitting this setting or setting it to zero will disable debug messages completely.

logging.file (string: path)

Write all log messages to a file.

logging.syslog (boolean) = false

If enabled VILLASnode will log to the system log.

logging.expressions (list of objects) = ()

The logging expression allow for a fine grained control of log levels per individual logger instance. Expressions are provided as a list of logger name pattern and the desired level.

Note: The expressions are evaluated in the order of their appearance in the list.

logging.expressions[].name (string)

The glob-style pattern to match the names of the loggers for which the level should be adjusted.

logging.expressions[].level (string: "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "critical" | "off")

The level which should be used for the matched loggers.