Modular co-simulation framework
Lab 4: Receive data from a node and show it on standard output

Similarily, samples which are send to the node are printed on the screen. To demonstrate this we start villas pipe a second time with swapped local and remote addresses.

In the first terminal:

$ villas pipe lab3.conf udp_node1

In a second terminal, we use -x to exchange input/output addresses:

$ villas pipe -x lab3.conf udp_node1

Stopping `villas pipe`

By default, pipe terminates as soon as the input stream reaches the end. In the examples above, the input stream is connected to the terminal where it wait for data entered by the keyboard. In this case, the end of the stream is emitted by pressing Ctrl-D. If the input stream is connected to a file, reaching the end of the file will cause termination of villas pipe.

Furthermore, the tool supports three more modes to terminate itself:

  • If called with the -l NUM switch, villas pipe terminates after NUM received samples.
  • If called with the -L NUM switch, villas pipe terminates after NUM sent samples.
  • If called witht the -t NUM switch, villas pipe terminates after NUM seconds of execution.

Go to [lab 5] =>(node-lab-5)