Modular co-simulation framework
villas node

Starts the simulator to simulator server. The server acts as a central gateway to forward simulation data.

The core of VILLASnode is the villas node daemon. The folling usage information is provided when called like villas node -:

Usage: villas-node [OPTIONS] [CONFIG]
OPTIONS is one or more of the following options:
-h show this usage information
-d LVL set logging level
-V show the version of the tool
CONFIG is the path to an optional configuration file
if omitted, VILLASnode will start without a configuration
and wait for provisioning over the web interface.
Supported node-types:
- loopback_internal: internal loopback to connect multiple paths
- influxdb : Write results to InfluxDB
- stats : Send statistics to another node
- signal : Signal generator
- loopback : Loopback to connect multiple paths
- test_rtt : Test round-trip time with loopback
- socket : BSD network sockets for Ethernet / IP / UDP (libnl3, netem support)
- file : support for file log / replay node type
- exec : run subprocesses with stdin/stdout communication
- shmem : POSIX shared memory interface with external processes
- zeromq : ZeroMQ Distributed Messaging (libzmq)
- ngsi : OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 (libcurl, libjansson)
- websocket : Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)
- amqp : Advanced Message Queueing Protoocl (rabbitmq-c)
- mqtt : Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (libmosquitto)
- can : Receive CAN messages using the socketCAN driver
- example : An example for staring new node-type implementations
- ethercat : Send and receive samples of an ethercat connection
Supported IO formats:
- json : Javascript Object Notation
- iotagent_ul : FIWARE IotAgent UltraLight format
- json.reserve : RESERVE JSON format
- villas.binary: VILLAS binary network format
- villas.web : VILLAS binary network format for WebSockets
- villas.human : VILLAS human readable format
- tsv : Tabulator-separated values
- csv : Comma-separated values
- raw.8 : Raw 8 bit
- : Raw 16 bit, big endian byte-order
- : Raw 32 bit, big endian byte-order
- : Raw 64 bit, big endian byte-order
- raw.16.le : Raw 16 bit, little endian byte-order
- raw.32.le : Raw 32 bit, little endian byte-order
- raw.64.le : Raw 64 bit, little endian byte-order
- gtnet : RTDS GTNET
- gtnet.fake : RTDS GTNET with fake header
- value : A bare text value without any headers
Supported hooks:
- average: Calculate average over some signals
- cast: Cast signals types
- decimate: Downsamping by integer factor
- dft: This hook calculates the dft on a window
- dp: Transform to/from dynamic phasor domain
- drop: Drop messages with reordered sequence numbers
- dump: Dump data to stdout
- ebm: Energy-based Metric
- fix: Fix received data by adding missing fields
- gate: Skip samples only if an enable signal is under a specified threshold
- jitter_calc: Calc jitter, mean and variance of GPS vs NTP TS
- limit_rate: Limit sending rate
- average: Calculate average over some signals
- restart: Call restart hooks for current node
- scale: Scale signals by a factor and add offset
- shift_seq: Shift sequence number of samples
- shift_ts: Shift timestamps of samples
- skip_first: Skip the first samples
- stats: Collect statistics for the current path
- ts: Overwrite origin timestamp of samples with receive timestamp
- pps_ts: Timestamp samples based GPS PPS signal
- print: Print the message to stdout
- lua: Implement hook in Lua
Supported API commands:
- status: get status and statistics of web server
- capabilities: get capabiltities and details about this VILLASnode instance
- config: get configuration of this VILLASnode instance
- shutdown: quit VILLASnode
- restart: restart VILLASnode with new configuration
- nodes: retrieve list of all known nodes
- node: retrieve info of a node
- node/start: start a node
- node/stop: stop a node
- node/pause: pause a node
- node/resume: resume a node
- node/restart: restart a node
- node/stats: get internal statistics counters
- node/stats/reset: reset internal statistics counters
- node/file: control instances of 'file' node-type
- paths: retrieve list of all paths with details
- path: retrieve info of a path
- path/start: start a path
- path/stop: stop a path
- graph: get graph representation of configuration
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <>

The server requires root privileges to:

  • Enable the realtime FIFO scheduler
  • Increase the task priority
  • Configure the network emulator (Network Emulation)
  • Change the SMP affinity of threads and network interrupts


Usage: villas-node [OPTIONS] [CONFIG]
OPTIONS is one or more of the following options:
-h show this usage information
-d LVL set logging level
-V show the version of the tool
CONFIG is the path to an optional configuration file
if omitted, VILLASnode will start without a configuration
and wait for provisioning over the web interface.
Supported node-types:
- loopback_internal: internal loopback to connect multiple paths
- influxdb : Write results to InfluxDB
- stats : Send statistics to another node
- signal : Signal generator
- loopback : Loopback to connect multiple paths
- test_rtt : Test round-trip time with loopback
- socket : BSD network sockets for Ethernet / IP / UDP (libnl3, netem support)
- file : support for file log / replay node type
- exec : run subprocesses with stdin/stdout communication
- shmem : POSIX shared memory interface with external processes
- zeromq : ZeroMQ Distributed Messaging (libzmq)
- ngsi : OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 (libcurl, libjansson)
- websocket : Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)
- amqp : Advanced Message Queueing Protoocl (rabbitmq-c)
- mqtt : Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (libmosquitto)
- can : Receive CAN messages using the socketCAN driver
- example : An example for staring new node-type implementations
- ethercat : Send and receive samples of an ethercat connection
Supported IO formats:
- json : Javascript Object Notation
- iotagent_ul : FIWARE IotAgent UltraLight format
- json.reserve : RESERVE JSON format
- villas.binary: VILLAS binary network format
- villas.web : VILLAS binary network format for WebSockets
- villas.human : VILLAS human readable format
- tsv : Tabulator-separated values
- csv : Comma-separated values
- raw.8 : Raw 8 bit
- : Raw 16 bit, big endian byte-order
- : Raw 32 bit, big endian byte-order
- : Raw 64 bit, big endian byte-order
- raw.16.le : Raw 16 bit, little endian byte-order
- raw.32.le : Raw 32 bit, little endian byte-order
- raw.64.le : Raw 64 bit, little endian byte-order
- gtnet : RTDS GTNET
- gtnet.fake : RTDS GTNET with fake header
- value : A bare text value without any headers
Supported hooks:
- average: Calculate average over some signals
- cast: Cast signals types
- decimate: Downsamping by integer factor
- dft: This hook calculates the dft on a window
- dp: Transform to/from dynamic phasor domain
- drop: Drop messages with reordered sequence numbers
- dump: Dump data to stdout
- ebm: Energy-based Metric
- fix: Fix received data by adding missing fields
- gate: Skip samples only if an enable signal is under a specified threshold
- jitter_calc: Calc jitter, mean and variance of GPS vs NTP TS
- limit_rate: Limit sending rate
- average: Calculate average over some signals
- restart: Call restart hooks for current node
- scale: Scale signals by a factor and add offset
- shift_seq: Shift sequence number of samples
- shift_ts: Shift timestamps of samples
- skip_first: Skip the first samples
- stats: Collect statistics for the current path
- ts: Overwrite origin timestamp of samples with receive timestamp
- pps_ts: Timestamp samples based GPS PPS signal
- print: Print the message to stdout
- lua: Implement hook in Lua
Supported API commands:
- status: get status and statistics of web server
- capabilities: get capabiltities and details about this VILLASnode instance
- config: get configuration of this VILLASnode instance
- shutdown: quit VILLASnode
- restart: restart VILLASnode with new configuration
- nodes: retrieve list of all known nodes
- node: retrieve info of a node
- node/start: start a node
- node/stop: stop a node
- node/pause: pause a node
- node/resume: resume a node
- node/restart: restart a node
- node/stats: get internal statistics counters
- node/stats/reset: reset internal statistics counters
- node/file: control instances of 'file' node-type
- paths: retrieve list of all paths with details
- path: retrieve info of a path
- path/start: start a path
- path/stop: stop a path
- graph: get graph representation of configuration
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <>