VILLASnode provides a collection of utilities for testing its own functionality. Most of them are used by the integration test suite.
villas test-rtt
Usage: villas-test-rtt [OPTIONS] CONFIG NODE
CONFIG path to a configuration file
NODE name of the node which shoud be used
OPTIONS is one or more of the following options:
-c CNT send CNT messages
-f FD use file descriptor FD for result output instead of stdout
-b BKTS number of buckets for histogram
-w WMUP duration of histogram warmup phase
-h show this usage information
-V show the version of the tool
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <>
villas test-cmp
The villas test-cmp
command compares two files containing sample data for equality.
Usage: villas-test-cmp [OPTIONS] FILE1 FILE2 ... FILEn
FILE a list of files to compare
OPTIONS is one or more of the following options:
-d LVL adjust the debug level
-e EPS set epsilon for floating point comparisons to EPS
-v ignore data values
-T ignore timestamp
-s ignore sequence no
-f FMT file format for all files
-t DT the data-type format string
-h show this usage information
-V show the version of the tool
Return codes:
0 files are equal
1 file length not equal
2 sequence no not equal
3 timestamp not equal
4 number of values is not equal
5 data is not equal
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <>
villas test-config
The villas test-config
command tests the syntax and validity of a VILLASnode configuration file.
Usage: villas-test-config [OPTIONS] CONFIG
CONFIG is the path to an optional configuration file
OPTIONS is one or more of the following options:
-d LVL set debug level
-V show version and exit
-c perform plausability checks on config
-h show usage and exit
v0.11.0-5c666fb-debug (built on Feb 23 2021 02:34:46)
Copyright 2014-2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
Steffen Vogel <StVogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.d