Modular co-simulation framework
villas web-backend

The villas-web-backend starts the VILLASweb backend.


2021/06/07 07:50:37 Starting VILLASweb-backend-go
Usage of villasweb-backend:
-admin-mail string
Initial admin mail address
-admin-pass string
Initial admin password
-admin-user string
Initial admin username
-amqp-host string
If set, use this as host for AMQP broker (default is disabled)
-amqp-pass string
Password for AMQP broker
-amqp-user string
Username for AMQP broker
Use external authentication via X-Forwarded-User header (e.g. OAuth2 Proxy)
-auth-external-provider-name string
A name of the external authentication provider (default "JupyterHub")
-auth-logout-url string
The URL to redirect the user to log out (default "/oauth2/sign_out?")
-authexternal-authorize-url string
A URL to initiate external login procedure (default "/oauth2/start")
-config string
Path to YAML configuration file
-contact-mail string
EMail of the administrative contact (default "")
-contact-name string
Name of the administrative contact (default "Steffen Vogel")
-db-host string
Host of the PostgreSQL database (default is /var/run/postgresql for localhost DB on Ubuntu systems) (default "/var/run/postgresql")
-db-name string
Name of the database to use (default is villasdb) (default "villasdb")
-db-pass string
Password of database connection (default is <empty>)
-db-ssl-mode string
SSL mode of DB (default is disable) (default "disable")
-db-user string
Username of database connection (default is <empty>)
-jwt-expires-after string
The time after which the JSON Web Token expires (default "168h")
-jwt-secret string
The JSON Web Token secret (default "This should NOT be here!!@33$8&")
-mode string
Select debug/release/test mode (default is release) (default "release")
-port string
Port of the backend (default is 4000) (default "4000")
-s3-bucket string
S3 Bucket for uploading files
-s3-endpoint string
Endpoint of S3 API for file uploads
Use encrypted connections to the S3 API
Use path-style S3 API
-s3-region string
S3 Region for file uploads (default "default")
-sub-title string
Sub-title shown in the frontend
-test-data-path string
The path to the test data json file (used in test mode) (default "database/testdata.json")
-title string
Title shown in the frontend (default "VILLASweb")