Modular co-simulation framework
Javascript Object Notation



The source code of the format-type is available here:


The Javascript Object Notation format-type supports all generic format options plus the following:

indent (integer) = 0

Pretty-print the result, using newlines between array and object items, and indenting with n spaces. The valid range for n is between 0 and 31 (inclusive), other values result in an undefined output. If the settings is not used or is 0, no newlines are inserted between array and object items.

compact (boolean) = false

This flag enables a compact representation, i.e. sets the separator between array and object items to "," and between object keys and values to ":". Without this flag, the corresponding separators are ", " and ": " for more readable output.

ensure_ascii (boolean) = false

If this flag is used, the output is guaranteed to consist only of ASCII characters. This is achieved by escaping all Unicode characters outside the ASCII range.

sort_keys (boolean) = false

If this flag is used, all the objects in output are sorted by key. This is useful e.g. if two JSON texts are diffed or visually compared.

escape_slash (boolean) = false

Escape the / characters in strings with \/.

Example Configuration

nodes = {
node = {
type = "file"
uri = "/dev/null"
format = {
type = "json"
indent = 4
compact = true
ensure_ascii = true
escape_slash = false
sort_keys = true

Example Payload

The structure of the JSON format is closely aligned with VILLASnode's internal data representation.

"ts": {
"origin": [
"sequence": 55,
"data": [
"real": 1.23,
"imag": 4.56