Modular co-simulation framework
Lab 8: Use hook function to modify/filter the data

VILLASnode supports hook functions to filter or manipulate samples while their are forwarded. These functions are in C-code. A plugin mechanism makes it easy for the user to new hook functions.

During this lab we will use the following hook functions:

Name Description
average Calculates average over some signals.
cast Cast signal types.
restart Call restart hooks for current path.
ts Overwrite origin timestamp of samples with receive timestamp.
stats Collect statistics for the current path.
decimate Downsamping by integer factor.
dp Transform to/from dynamic phasor.
ebm Energy based metric.
fix Fix received data by adding missing fields.
fix_ts Update timestamps of sample if not set.
gate Skip samples only if an enable signal is under a specified threshold.
jitter Hook to calculate jitter between GTNET-SKT GPS timestamp and Villas node NTP timestamp.
limit_rate Limits the rate of sending signals.
skip_first Skip the first samples.
stats_send Send path statistics to another node.
drop Drop messages with reordered sequence numbers.
convert Convert message from / to floating-point / integer.
scale Scale signals by a factor and add offset.
shift_seq Shift sequence number of samples.
map Remap values and / or add header, timestamp values to the sample.
print Print the message to stdout.
shift_ts Shift timestamps of samples.

A full list of supported hook functions is documented here: Hook-types

How to configure a hook function

A hook function can be used in two ways:

  • With the villas hook to process samples from standard streams.
  • With the villas node daemon.

When used with villas hook we can pass options to the hook function as optional parameters to the invocation of villas hook:

$ villas hook [hook_name] [parameter1] [parameter2] ... [parameterN]

When used with villas node the hook is configured as part of a path:

1 nodes = {
2  udp_node1 = {
3  type = "socket"
4  layer = "udp"
6  in = {
7  address = "*:12000"
9  signals = (
10  { name = "sig1", type = "float" },
11  { name = "sig2", type = "float" },
12  { name = "sig3", type = "float" },
13  { name = "sig4", type = "float" }
14  )
15  }
16  out = {
17  address = ""
18  }
19  }
20 }
22 paths = (
23  {
24  in = [ "udp_node1" ]
25  out = [ "udp_node1" ]
27  hooks = (
28  {
29  type = "decimate"
30  priority = 1
32  # Hook specific parameters follow
33  # [paramter1] = [value1]
34  ratio = 2
35  },
36  {
37  type = "scale"
39  signal = "sig3"
40  offset = 10.0
41  scale = 2.5
42  }
43  )
44  }
45 )


Hook functions are chainable:

$ villas hook fix_ts | villas hook skip_first samples=10


Skip the first 10 seconds (skip_first)

$ villas signal sine | villas hook skip_first -o seconds=10

Skip the first 1000 samples (skip_first)

$ villas signal sine | villas hook skip_first -o samples=1000

Calculate average over first five signals (average)

$ villas signal sine | villas hook average -o offset=0 -o signals=0,1,2,3,4

Shift the timestamps of all samples 10 seconds into the future (shift_ts)

$ villas signal sine | villas hook shift_ts mode=origin offset=10.0

Caste signal type (cast)

$ villas signal -l 10 -r 10 -F 3 -v 1 random > signals_mixed.dat
$ villas-hook cast -o new_name=test -o new_unit=V -o new_type=integer -o signal=1 < signals_mixed.dat

Transformation to dynamic phasor (dp)

$ villas signal -l 10 -r 10 -F 3 sine > dp_in.dat
$ villas hook dp -o inverse=true -o f0=3 -o rate=10 -o signal=0 -o harmonics=0,1,3,5,7 < dp_out.dat >dp_in2.dat

Limit the rate of sending signals (limit_rate)

$ villas-signal -r 1000 -l 1000 -n sine > limit_rate_in.dat
$ villas-hook -o rate=10 -o mode=origin limit_rate < limit_rate_in.dat > limit_rate_out.dat

Scale signals by a factor and add offset (scale)

$ villas signal -l 10 -r 10 -F 3 sine > scale_in.dat
$ villas-hook scale -o scale=100 -o offset=55 -o signal=signal0 < scale_in.dat > scale_out.dat

Every sample has three timestamps associated with it:

  • origin
  • received
  • sent

Use the mode parameter to select the timestamp which should be shifted.

Override the timestamp with the current time (ts, fix_ts)

$ echo "123.456(1) 1.2 3.4 5.6" | villas hook ts

There is another related hook function called fix_ts which will only overwrite the the timestamp if the source has not provided one (timestamp must is 0.0).

$ echo "0.0(1) 1.2 3.4 5.6" | villas hook fix_ts

Reduce the rate by a factor (decimate)

This invocation reduces the sending rate by a factor of 10. The resulting rate is: 1000 / 10 = 100.

$ villas signal -r 1000 sine | villas hook decimate -o ratio=10

This invocation reduces the sending rate by a factor of 10. The resulting rate is: 1000 / 10 = 100.

$ villas signal -r 1000 sine | villas hook decimate -o ratio=10

Skip sample values based on the enable signal (gate)

This function skips values based on the enable signal which is set using one of the following modes. above below rising_edge falling_edge

The 'above' mode allows only the signal values which are greater than the threshold. By default the threshold is set to 0. Similarly the 'below' mode allows only the signal values which are lesser than the threshold. This can be visualized in the waveforms below:

$ villas signal -l 200 -r 200 -F 2 sine > gate_in.dat
$ villas hook gate -o signal=0 -o mode=above -o threshold=0.5 < gate_in.dat > gate_out_above.dat
$ villas hook gate -o signal=0 -o mode=below -o threshold=0.5 < gate_in.dat > gate_out_below.dat

The modes rising edge and falling edge allow signal values to pass on rising edge and falling edge respectively. It is demonstrated by the examples and waveforms below:

$ villas signal -l 200 -r 200 -F 2 sine > gate_in.dat
$ villas hook gate -o signal=0 -o mode=rising_edge < gate_in.dat > gate_out_re.dat
$ villas hook gate -o signal=0 -o mode=falling_edge < gate_in.dat > gate_out_re.dat

Convert values between floating point / integer representation (convert)

This invocation convertes values 5-8 to a integer number with a gain factor of 1000:

$ villas signal sine | villas hook convert 'mode="fixed" mask=0xf0 scale=1000.0'

Print samples to the screen (print)

$ villas signal sine | villas hook print > /dev/null

Note: villas hook by default prints the processed stream of samples already to the screen. Therefore, every sample appears now twice on the screen. This hook only makes sense when used together with villas none.

Remap values and add special header fields as data (map)

$ villas signal -v 4 sine | villas hook map 'mapping=[ "data[3]", "data[2]", "data[1]", "data[0]", "hdr.sequence", "ts.origin" ]'

Implement your own hook function

Have a look at the following skeleton code:

Go to [lab 9] =>(node-lab-9)