Modular co-simulation framework

Sometimes forwarded sample data shall be modified or filtered. VILLASnode supports hooks for this purpose. Hooks are simple callback functions which are called whenever a message is processed by a path.

There are several built-in hooks for:

  • collecting, show & reset statistics
  • drop reordered messages
  • verify message metadata
  • handle simulation restarts
  • remapping values of a sample
  • overwriting / updating timestamps
  • converting data-types
  • downsampling

But main goal of this mechanism is to provide extensibility for the end user. Example applications for hooks might be:

  1. Filter sample values
  2. Manipulate sample values: FIR
  3. Transform sample values: FFT, DCT
  4. Update network emulation settings based on sample values

Hooks can be added to the processing pipeline in three places:

  • Node-read: Everytime a sample is received from a node
  • Node-write: Everytime a sample is sent to a node
  • Path: Everytime a sample is processed within a path

Some hooks are built-in hooks which are by default enabled without a corresponding section in the configuration file. Usually, built-in hooks have no configurable options.

Currently, the following node-hook-types are supported:

Type Built-in Node-read Node-write Path State Comment
Average signal values yes yes yes stable Calculate average over some signals
Cast signal values stable Cast signals types
Decimate sample rate yes yes yes stable Downsamping by integer factor
Dynamic Phasor calculation / DFT yes yes yes alpha Transform to/from dynamic phasor domain
Drop reordered samples yes yes stable Drop messages with reordered sequence numbers
Dump sample data yes yes yes stable Dump data to stdout
Energy Based Metric calculation alpha Energy-based Metric
Fix missing metadata yes yes stable Fix received data by adding missing fields
Calculate Jitter yes stable Calc jitter, mean and variance of GPS vs NTP TS
Limit rate yes yes yes stable Limit sending rate
Lua scripting yes yes yes stable Lua scripting support
Handle restarts yes yes stable Call restart hooks for current node
Scale and offset signals yes yes yes stable Scale signals by a factor and add offset
Shift sequence numbers yes yes stable Shift sequence number of samples
Shift timestamps yes yes stable Shift timestamps of samples
Skip First Samples yes yes yes stable Skip the first samples
Statistic collection yes stable Collect statistics for the current path
Timestamp yes yes yes stable Overwrite origin timestamp of samples with receive timestamp
Print sample data yes yes yes stable Print the message to stdout

Writing custom hook functions

This still needs to be written.