The lua
hook allows for the evaluation arbitrary Lua expressions.
Take a look at some example Lua scripts used by this hook here:
This hook requires Lua (>= 5.1).
The source code of the hook is available here:
use_names (boolean) = true
Enables or disables the use of signal names in the process()
Lua function. If disabled, numeric indices will be used.
script (path) = undefined
Provide the path to a Lua script containing functions for the individual hook points. Define some or all of the following functions in your Lua script:
Called during initialization with a Lua table which contains the full hook configuration.
Called when the associated node or path is started
Called when the associated node or path is stopped
Called when the associated node or path is restarted. Falls back to stop()
+ start()
if absent.
Called for each sample which is being processed. The sample is passed as a Lua table with the following fields:
- sequence The sequence number of the sample.
- flags The flags field of the sample.
- ts_origin The origin timesamp as a Lua table containing the following keys: 0: seconds 1: nanoseconds
- ts_received The receive timestamp a Lua table containing the following keys: 0: seconds 1: nanoseconds
- data The sample data as a Lua table container either numeric indices or the signal names depending on the 'use_names' option of the hook.
Called periodicalled with the rate of stats (float).
signals (list of objects)
A definition of signals which this hook will emit.
Here a list of signal definitions like in.signals (list of objects: signals) = "64f" is excpected.
use_names (boolean) = true
An arbitrary Lua expression which will be evaluated and used for the value of the signal.
Note you can access the current sample using the global Lua variable smp
Arbitrary additional options
The Lua hook will pass the complete hook configuration to the prepare()
Lua function. So you can add arbitrary settings here which are then consumed by the Lua script.
@include "hook-nodes.conf"
stats = 1
paths = (
in = "signal_node"
out = "file_node"
hooks = (
type = "lua"
# Enables or disables the use of signal names in the process() function
# of the Lua script. If disabled, numeric indices will be used.
use_names = true
# The Lua hook will pass the complete hook configuration to the prepare()
# function. So you can add arbitrary settings here which are then
# consumed by the Lua script.
some_setting = "Hello World"
this = {
is = {
nested = 1234
bool_val = true
# Script mode: we provide a Lua script containing functions
# for the individual hook points
# Define some or all of the following functions in your Lua script:
# prepare(cfg) Called during initialization with a Lua table which contains
# the full hook configuration
# start() Called when the node/path is started
# stop() Called when the node/path is stopped
# restart() Called when the node/path is restarted.
# Falls back to stop() + start() if absent.
# process(smp) Called for each sample which is being processed.
# The sample is passed as a Lua table with the following
# fields:
# - sequence The sequence number of the sample.
# - flags The flags field of the sample.
# - ts_origin The origin timesamp as a Lua table containing
# the following keys:
# 0: seconds
# 1: nanoseconds
# - ts_received The receive timestamp a Lua table containing
# the following keys:
# 0: seconds
# 1: nanoseconds
# - data The sample data as a Lua table container either
# numeric indices or the signal names depending
# on the 'use_names' option of the hook.
# periodic() Called periodicalled with the rate of the global 'stats' option.
script = "../lua/hooks/test.lua"
# Expression mode: We provide a mangled signal list including Lua expressions
signals = (
{ name = "sum", type="float", unit = "V", expression = " * 10" },
# You can access any global variable set by the script
{ name = "sequence", type="float", unit = "V", expression = "global_var" },
# Here we set a global variable from the periodic handler
{ name = "temp_aachen", type="float", unit = "°C", expression = "temp_aachen" },
# We can refer to the current time the global Lua variable 't'
{ name = "sum", type="float", unit = "V", expression = "math.sin(2 * math.pi * f * t)" },
{ name = "random", expression = "" }
type = "print"
Example Lua script
-- Install with: luarocks install lunajson luasockets
json = require 'lunajson'
http = require 'socket.http'
------------------------ Constants -------------------------
Reason = {
OK = 0,
ERROR = 1,
SampleFlags = {
HAS_TS_ORIGIN = 1, -- "(1 << 1)" Include origin timestamp in output.
HAS_TS_RECEIVED = 2, -- "(1 << 2)" Include receive timestamp in output.
HAS_OFFSET = 4, -- "(1 << 3)" Include offset (received - origin timestamp) in output.
HAS_SEQUENCE = 8, -- "(1 << 4)" Include sequence number in output.
HAS_DATA = 16, -- "(1 << 5)" Include values in output.
HAS_ALL = 15, -- "(1 << 6) -1" Enable all output options.
IS_FIRST = 65536, -- "(1 << 16)" This sample is the first of a new simulation case
IS_LAST = 131072 -- "(1 << 17)" This sample is the last of a running simulation case
-------------------------- Config --------------------------
city = 'Aachen'
--------------------- Global Variables ---------------------
f = 1 -- in Hz
t = nil -- in seconds
t_start = nil -- in seconds
temp_aachen = 0 -- in deg Celsius
function prepare(cfg)
info("Preparing test_hook")
info("Some setting: ", cfg.some_setting)
info("Some other setting: ",
my_global_var = 1337
function start()
info("Starting test_hook")
info("Global var: ", my_global_var)
info("This is a message with severity info")
warn("This is a message with severity warn")
error("This is a message with severity error")
debug("This is a message with severity debug")
t_start = socket.gettime()
function stop()
info("Stopping test_hook")
function restart()
info("Restarted test_hook")
function process(smp)
info("Process test_hook")
if smp.sequence == 1 then
-- We can adjust signal values inline = * 10
-- Example for value limiter
if > 10 then = 10
elseif < -10 then = -10
global_var = smp.sequence
-- Updating time (references in signal expression list of VILLASnode config)
t = socket.gettime() - t_start
if smp.sequence % 2 == 0 then
return Reason.SKIP_SAMPLE
elseif smp.sequence >= 200 then
return Reason.ERROR
return Reason.OK
function periodic()
info("Periodic test_hook")
local body, statusCode, headers, statusText = http.request('' .. city .. '?format=j1')
weather = json.decode(body)
temp_aachen = tonumber(weather.current_condition[1].temp_C)
info(string.format('Temperature in %s is %d °C', city, temp_aachen))
function dump_sample(smp)
info(" Sequence: ", smp.sequence)
info(" Flags: ", smp.flags)
info(" TS origin: ", string.format("%d.%09d", smp.ts_origin[0], smp.ts_origin[1]))
info(" TS received: ", string.format("%d.%09d", smp.ts_received[0], smp.ts_received[1]))
info(" Data:")
for key, value in pairs( do
info(" " .. key .. ": " .. value)