Modular co-simulation framework
Statistic collection

The stats hook collects statistics about nodes. Currently the following metrics are collected:

Identifier Unit Description
skipped samples Skipped samples and the distance between them
reordered samples Reordered samples and the distance between them
gap_sent seconds Inter-message timestamps (as sent by remote)
gap_received seconds Inter-message arrival time (as received by this instance)
owd seconds One-way-delay (OWD) of received messages

If the node to which this hook is attached is of type Real-Time Protocol (RTP & RTCP), the following additional statistics are collected from the RTP receiption reports. The contains details about the quality of service as seen be the receiver.

Identifier Unit Description
rtp.loss_fraction percent Fraction lost since last RTP SR/RR.
rtp.pkts_lost packets Cumulative number of packtes lost.
rtp.jitter seconds?Interarrival jitter

For each of the metrics the following moments / attrbributes are collected:

Moment Type Description
last float The last collected value.
highest float The highest/largest collected value.
lowest float The lowest/smallest collected value.
mean float The mean across all collected values.
var float The variance across all collected values.
stddev float The standard deviation across all collected values.
total integer The total number of collected values.


The source code of the hook is available here:


format (string: "json" | "matlab" | "human") = "human"

The output format used to print the statistics at shutdown.

buckets (integer) = 20

The number of buckets which should be used for the underlying histograms.

warmup (integer) = 500

Use the first warmup samples to estimate the bucket range of the underlying histograms.

verbose (boolean) = false

Include full dumps of the histogram buckets into the output.

output (string: uri)

The file where you want to write the report to. If omitted, stdout (the terminal) will be used.


nodes = {
udp_node = {
type = "socket"
in = {
address = "*:12000"
hooks = (
type = "stats"
verbose = true
warmup = 100
buckets = 25
output = "stats.log"
format = "json"
out = {
address = ""