Modular co-simulation framework


This node-type requires hiredis (>= 1.0.0) and redis++ (>= 1.2.3).


The source code of the node-type is available here:


mode (string: "key" | "hash" | "channel") = "key"

  • key: Get/Set of Redis strings
    • The implementation uses the Redis MSET and MGET commands.
  • hash: Hashtables using hash data-type
    • The implementation uses the Redis HMSET and HGETALL commands.
  • channel: Publish/subscribe
    • The implementation uses the Redis PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE commands.

uri (string: _Redis URI_)

A Redis connection URI in the form of: redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<post>/<db>.

host (string) = "localhost"

The hostname or IP address of the Redis server.

You can also connect to Redis server with a URI:

  • tcp://[[username:]password@]host[:port][/db]
  • unix://[[username:]password@]path-to-unix-domain-socket[/db]

port (integer) = 6379

The port number of the Redis server to connect to.

path (string)

A path of a Unix socket which should be used for the connection.

user (string) = "default"

The username which should be used for authentication.


password (string)

The password which should be used for authentication.


db (integer) = 0

The logical database which should be used by the Redis client.


timeout.connect (double: seconds)

The timeout in seconds for the initial connection establishment.

timeout.socket (double: seconds)

The timeout in seconds for executing commands against the Redis server.

keepalive (boolean) = false

Enable periodic keepalive packets.

key (string) = _node-name_

The key which this node will use in the Redis keyspace.

channel (string) = _node-name_

The channel which this node will use in mode (string: "key" | "hash" | "channel") = "key" is channel.

notify (boolean) = true

Use Redis keyspace notifications to listen for new updates. This setting is only used if mode (string: "key" | "hash" | "channel") = "key" is set to key or hash.

ssl.enabled (boolean) = true

If enabled the connection to the Redis server will be encrypted via SSL/TLS.

ssl.cacert (string: path)

A path to a CA certificate file.

ssl.cacertdir (string: path)

A path to a directory containing CA certificates.

ssl.cert (string: path)

A path to a client certificate file.

ssl.key (string: path)

A path to the private key file.


nodes = {
redis_node = {
type = "redis",
format = "json", # only valid for mode = 'channel' and 'key'
# With mode = 'hash' we will use a simple human readable format
key = "my_key" # The Redis key to be used for mode = 'key' or 'hash' (default is the node name)
channel = "my_channel" # the Redis channel tp be used for mode = 'channel' (default is the node name)
mode = "key", # one of:
# - 'channel' (publish/subscribe)
# - 'key' (set/get)
# - 'hash' (hmset/hgetall)
notify = false # Whether or not to use Redis keyspace event notifications to get notified about updates
rate = 1.0 # The polling rate when notify = false
uri = "tcp://localhost:6379/0", # The Redis connection URI
# host = "localhost" # Alternatively the connection options can be specified independently
# port = 6379 # Note: options here will overwrite the respective part of the URI if both are given.
# db = 0
# path = "/var/run/redis.sock"
# user = "guest",
# password = "guest"
# ssl = {
# enabled: true
# cacert: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
# cacertdir: "/etc/ssl/certs"
# cert: "./my_cert.crt",
# key, "./my_key.key"
# }